Sunday 15th April
Edge Gym, Wira Business Park, West Park, LS16 6EB
To show off our new facilities, Speed Academy are opening our doors for anyone to come and experience what we do – for free!
We’re running taster sessions, special speed clinics, test your speed competitions and lots more.
Did I say it’s on Sun 15th April?
Here’s The Schedule
10am – Performance Preparation
Experience how we prepare our athletes to get the maximum out of every session
10:30 – So you think you know plyos
Safe and effective plyometric progression to improve speed and reduce injury
11:00 – Straight Ahead Acceleration
It’s not the drills, it’s how and when you do them
11:30 – Straight Ahead Speed Testing
Test your speed with our super accurate electronic timing gates.
Win a month of training with Speed Academy!
12:00 – How We Make Sure 14-18yr Olds Fulfil Their Potential
Look to the future while optimising the present
12:30 – Lunch Break: Try the Edge Gym facilities
1:30 – Prevent Soft Tissue Injuries
Warm up and cool down protocol we use to keep our athletes healthy and off the physio’s couch
2:00 – 1st Step Quickness: Innate or Coachable?
Take this session then decide. Learn the secrets of the quickest players.
2:30 – Get A Killer Side Step
Movement skills session to improve your lateral agility
3:00 – Strength Training For Multi Directional Speed and Agility
You won’t find this stuff in Men’s Health
3:30 – Regeneration
Intense training requires purposeful recovery. A jog round the pitch isn’t enough.
All sessions to be delivered by Speed Academy Head Coach Rob Gascoyne
Get there early if you want to take part in the sessions. Come for one or two sessions or stay all day. It’s up to you.
Click here for directions.
Yours in speed